Tuesday 27 January 2015

It's going to get beta


Thank you everyone who signed up for the Hex Beta and we hope that you forgive us for its general buginess and lack of polish! The feedback we've got so far has been really positive which is a great feeling for us as we've worked very hard on Hex! So thank you, you guys rock.

The Road Ahead

The path from Beta to the full public release has three elements. 

Firstly we need to polish and refine everything in the Beta and eliminate the bugs. This will be done in incremental updates to the live Hex place that will be made available for new servers.

Secondly we are going to implement a series of 'big picture' components to the game. The most significant of these features are:

  • In-game menu, allow you to do everything but customise your armour in-game. This also means we can reduce the intermission time allowing for less down time!
  • From-scratch Spawn engine, everyone who has played the FFA game-modes in Hex beta realises the spawns absolutely ruin them. Hex is more suited to team gameplay but it's still fun to have a FFA mode as a bit of an oddity. We're going to work to dramatically include how spawning works in free for all modes. This may, worst case, involve us making maps specific for free for all.
  • Stats tracking, The game already has stat tracking but it's all under the hood. For this we need to design a UI system for visualising it. You'll be able to see your lifetime statistics along with that of any other Hex player. We also plan on including competitive leaderboards etc.
Thirdly we plan to significantly expand the existing catalogue of shop items. Far more guns (that are far more balanced), far more armour pieces, cool level unlocks, new nameplates etc etc.


We're taking a day off today because we've worked flat out since mid-December now and have really burnt ourselves out a little. Tomorrow we will get straight back to it and do everything we can.

We aren't going to give a definitive release date. It will be in the very near future as the game is essentially already 'done' and these are just finishing touches to add.


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